by Glen Lucille | May 27, 2022 | O'Keeffe Class 2021/22
Here we are learning all about the value of 2p’s, 5ps and 10ps. Our Egg Experiment: Is sugar good for your teeth? We put the egg shell in three different liquids. The liquids were, cola, orange and water. We found out that the orange and the cola took off the...
by Glen Lucille | May 13, 2022 | O'Keeffe Class 2021/22
What a lovely way to round up the week. We had some time reading our Mudchute farm recounts to the year 6 children. They were so helpful and polite. Ibrahim and Marco Once the children had read their recounts to the Year 6’s, I could hear the year 6’s...
by Glen Lucille | May 6, 2022 | O'Keeffe Class 2021/22
Yeah! We had a great visit to the farm. Thank you parents and teachers who came with us. What a fabulous adventure. We loved visiting the Urban Farm. We saw chickens, goats, pigs, ducks, cows, sheep, budgies, rabbits, calves and a beautiful rooster. We even had time...
by Glen Lucille | Apr 1, 2022 | O'Keeffe Class 2021/22
We had great fun in the garden with Joe. We planted out mint, shovelled compost onto the flowers and planted our own mint plants. We then tasted fresh mint tea. Delicious! We explored the garden, looking at the different leaves and then finding them. We made pipe...
by Glen Lucille | Mar 18, 2022 | Goldsworthy class 2021/22, Kapoor Class 2021/22, O'Keeffe Class 2021/22
We had so much fun in Year One today. In O’Keeffe Class we had a science experiment. We had to predict what popcorn would taste the best. We had some popcorn in water, some in oil and the rest had nothing added. The classes made their predictions: Our...