Year 3 have been learning all about Ancient Civilisations this half term, and have been exploring where those civilisations were around the world. In art today, we explored the world further, through using antique printing plates.

Last week, year 3 created backgrounds using a wash technique. They have learned how to create a gradient wash, dry flat wash, varigated wash and a wet on wet wash – all of these wash techniques are different and create different effects. They chose their favourite technique and colours to create their background.

This week, we used those backgrounds as the base for our printmaking. We put ink on our our trays, rolled it out, and inked up the cylindrical plates. We carefully rolled our plates out over our paper. Some of us experimented with rolling our plates over the surface again, to see what artistic effects we could create. Together, we created a beautiful art work which zooms in and out on the the Ancient Civilisations and beyond.