The second residential for Year 5 has begun, and the children are heading towards Suffolk on our comfortable air-conditioned coach.
The children enjoyed their lunch as soon as they arrived at Ringsfield Hall, and were happy to fill themselves with food before they started their day.

Activities at Ringsfield Hall
After we finished lunch, it was time for us to get to our bedrooms, and make our beds. This proved a little difficult, but with teamwork we were all able to be successful.
Once settled in our rooms, it was time to have a tour of the whole property and then to begin our forest activities with Kat and Stacey.

*To see the full album of photos from Day 1, please log onto WeDuc to find the link & password.
The children learned how to build a shelter that was sturdy and fit for purpose – the adults were very impressed with how quick the teams worked together.

*To see the full album of photos from Day 1, please log onto WeDuc to find the link & password.
Quotes from Day 1
Mikael: “I have really loved the treehouse, it’s amazing! The AC on the coach was nice, and so was the lunch. I’m looking forward to sleeping tonight.”
Yusuf: “My shelter was indescribable – I built it with Andy and Emad, I’m kinda proud of it. I kinda like the table where we could use a hammer.”
Sabrina: “I became Queen of Nature, because Ms. C gave me a crown made of sticky weeds. The coach journey was fun, I was playing word games with my friend. I liked to explore at the treehouse.”
Ayan: “I’m enjoying the free fruit! I like that the countryside is massive, and we can explore. I liked the campfire a lot.”
Day 1 – Suffolk 2023
Dinnertime & Free time
We all enjoyed our dinner together in the evening, then we enjoyed a 1 hour orienteering activity with Kat across the grounds. The children worked in teams to find clues across the 15 acres of land, using only maps and their resilience. The top two teams both collected 8 points each!
After that, we had a surprise birthday cake for Tawhid – 10 years old today! The children enjoyed free time to play as they preferred, before winding down for a good night’s rest.

The itinerary for the three days is posted below, so you can see what your children will be doing on this exciting trip.

Photos for the residential will be posted here intermittently, depending on connection availability, and a complete folder of photos/videos will also be posted on WeDuc (if you need help logging in to WeDuc, please phone or visit the office staff).