Online Safety Assembly with Google & ParentZone

Online Safety Assembly with Google & ParentZone

Today, Years 3 – 6 were excited to take part in our online safety assembly thanks to Google & Parentzone’s Be Internet Legends program. The children learn about key concepts in online safety through the Be Internet Legends curriculum and have all...
Macmillan Fundraiser Walk

Macmillan Fundraiser Walk

On Thursday October 20th, our parents group are walking to Tower of London and back again in aid of Macmillan Cancer. They will be wearing different items of green clothing in aid of the charity to promote awareness. If you would like to sponsor them or give a...
Online Safety Workshop for Parents

Online Safety Workshop for Parents

This week, we hosted a workshop for parents in the community room which was well attended – many thanks to all adults for coming and giving your time. Selda Ziya, our computing specialist who works with Tower Hamlets Local Authority, visited the school to speak...