The art of P4C

Hepoworth class had a really interesting discussion in P4C today about art. First, we looked at some pictures of ‘Flotsam sculptures’, statues that were made from objects washed up by the sea. We decided that the two ‘big ideas’ the pictures...
The Magic of P4C

The Magic of P4C

This week, Peggy Angus class pondered the idea of everyone having a magic wand. The pupils decided whether it was a good thing or a bad thing and we were split fairly evenly. In the end the majority thought it was a bad thing due to the chaos and evil that it would...
Safer Internet Day 2019 at Lansbury Lawrence

Safer Internet Day 2019 at Lansbury Lawrence

Online safety focus across the school on February 5th 2019 Left: Year 1 discuss how to keep your personal information safe online. This Tuesday, Lansbury Lawrence marked Safer Internet Day with exciting lessons covering some very important online safety rules....

Philosophising in Year 5

On Thursday, Kahlo class was visited by Lisa Naylor, who is a Philosophy for Children (P4C) trainer in Tower Hamlets. We watched the short film ‘For The Birds’ from Pixar, and discussed the concepts in the film: fear, friendships, bullying. Afterwards, we...