We are Hamilton Class

Ashraf and Afreen. Juwayriyya and Magdalena Md. Aayan and Sami Sofia and Yasin Arisha and Abdur Ismaeel and Saim Musa U. and Abdul Hameed Zaid and Iqra Musa A. and Md. Aaron Umaymah and Sam Uzair and Nabila Mikaeel and Yousuf Amira and...

Young Historian Award Winners

Each year the Historical Association in collaboration with the Spirit of Normandy Trust offers a series of awards to Primary school children for outstanding history scholarship. We were very pleased and proud to hear the exciting news that we won a Young...

Tile Away!

In our class, we have been studying the artist we are named after – Peggy Angus. We discovered that she was responsible for designing the tiles in the reception area and lunch hall. We had a go at designing, then painting, our own tiles for our book covers and...