by Lansbury | May 27, 2021 | Art, Computing, English, Exhibition, Lichtenstein Class 20/21, Maths, RE, Reading, Science
It has been another fantastic half-term here at Lansbury Lawrence and everyone in Lichtenstein class has been having great fun and learning a lot along the way. First to English, this term we have be doing some amazing creative writing for the Tower Hamlets creative...
by Lansbury | May 27, 2021 | Art, Van Gogh Class 2020/21
Van Gogh class have been busy exploring clay in Art over the past two weeks. In our first week Ms Sellens led our Art lesson through Teams along with Riley Class. Working with clay in our first session with the help of Ms Sellens through Teams. We were giving a lump...
by Lansbury | May 21, 2021 | Art, Riley Class 2020/21
This week, Mrs. Sellens led year 4 in a wonderful exploration of expression through clay. We were each given a lump of fresh clay, and following Ms. Sellens’ instructions via video call on Teams, both year classes were able to begin moulding and shaping their...
by Kerri Sellens | May 14, 2021 | Art, Delaunay Class 2020/21, Tagore Class 2020/21
Yr2 explored texture in art through looking at, and feeling, leaves from the different plants we have growing at school. They went on to make clay impressions, which created these beautiful tiles full of texture and natural beauty.
by Lansbury | May 12, 2021 | Art, Lichtenstein Class 20/21, Music, Science
Hello everyone, it has been another fantastic week here in Lichtenstein class! We have been doing some fascinating and creative work surrounding our topic of space. Most notably this week, we have been involved in a brilliant online lesson from the scientists at...
by Lansbury | Apr 28, 2021 | Art, Community, English, Lichtenstein Class 20/21, Music, RE
Hello everyone, we have once again been doing some exciting things over here in Lichtenstein class! Firstly, we have all been entered into a fantastic story writing competition for the Tower Hamlets area. The stimulus for our writing task is “I am not...