by Neil Daley | Mar 24, 2020 | P4C, Riley Class 2019/20
With our school having moved to online learning in light of the recent school closures, students in Riley Class have already embraced Google Classrooms and have started to explore the online resources that the school has provided to them. Learning packs were also sent...
by Neil Daley | Feb 29, 2020 | Maths, Riley Class 2019/20, Van Gogh Class 2019/20
Children from both year four classes have been keen to see their names celebrated on the school’s Times Tables Rockstars board. This week, Van Gogh class were Class of the Week and the two sets of students have come together to write this blog about their recent...
by Neil Daley | Nov 19, 2019 | Edible Garden, Learning Theme, Music, Outdoor Learning, Riley Class 2019/20, Science
With the world’s rainforests as our theme this half-term and the school’s gardens serving as our own mini forest, we have been exploring our green spaces to help us learn more about geography and science. “Look what I found!” Using...
by Neil Daley | Nov 12, 2019 | Riley Class 2019/20
In English recently, Riley have been sharpening their debating skills. The children started by thinking aloud to explore their ideas and consider more than one side of an argument, then a passionate formal debate was soon underway. The class drew on the assistance of...
by Neil Daley | Nov 6, 2019 | Music, Riley Class 2019/20
With the musical instruments lessons carrying through into the new half term, Riley Class are looking forward to continuing to embrace the opportunity and seeing what they can make of their musical talents. Playing some sweet jazz. The children’s enthusiasm has...