by Kerri Sellens | Jun 27, 2023 | Art, P4C
Last week we hosted the second art & design training day led by Lansbury Lawrence to London East Teacher Training Alliance (LETTA) trainee teachers. We have led our training in collaboration with the Whitechapel Gallery. The first session was held at the gallery,...
by Kerri Sellens | Apr 28, 2023 | Community, Hokusai class 2022/23
Children from year 3 went over to Duncan Court this afternoon to read stories to the residents. We had a lovely time catching up with everyone and singing a song together. We also got to see Alf’s fish again – they are getting quite big now as we feed them...
by Kerri Sellens | Apr 28, 2023 | Art, Community, Dance, Drama, Music, Parents
We are very proud, and still slightly in shock, to announce that we have been shortlisted for two prestigious national awards. The first award is the Pearson National Teaching Awards – for Making a Difference – Primary School of the Year, in recognition of...
by Kerri Sellens | Apr 5, 2023 | Music
A wonderful pop-up bookshop appeared at Lansbury Lawrence in the last week of term, thanks to the Children’s Book Project, London. Over two days the whole school was welcomed to come and have a browse, and choose two books to take home with them – for...
by Kerri Sellens | Mar 21, 2023 | Art, Van Gogh Class 2022/23
Today in art, year 4 have been exploring tone – the lightness or darkness of an object, through observational drawing. They used pencil, pen, ink wash and charcoal to see how tone could be created. Tone helps to make an object look three-dimensional by...