This half term, our big question was, “How Does the Human Body Work so Effectively?” With such a big idea, we were able to explore so many areas of what makes the human body so amazing at its job, as well as ask many, many questions that we slowly answered throughout the first half of the Spring term.

We discussed how muscles in the human body work in pairs, and used our arm muscles as an example! Did you know that the biceps and triceps are a pair of muscles that work together to lift things by contracting and relaxing?
Linked to our science, we made some healthy dips in DT (design and technology). We learnt how to hold a knife carefully, and we also practiced our claw and bridge holds.

As always, we also had an educational visit to the Science Museum. We learnt a lot about the human body, and how things that people have used to help them have changed throughout the years.

In maths, we have been busy learning about division and multiplication. We practiced sharing and grouping, using arrays to show multiplication and multiplying and dividing through partitioning.

In English, we closed off our story by painting some beautiful front covers using watercolours. It was so calming!

What a busy half-term! I look forward to seeing you all back in Spring 2!