This half term we have been doing lots of fantastic learning. Our topics have included Bonfire Night, Diwali, Autumn, Recycling, Looking after our teeth and Christmas.
Our Understanding the World/History this half term was Bonfire Night and Remembrance. We learnt all about Guy Fawkes and the gun powder plot and why Bonfire Night is celebrated.

Some of the firework picture we made.

Making remembrance poppies.
Part of our Understanding the World/ RE was Diwali this half term. We learnt about the story of Rama and Sita and why Hindus celebrate Diwali.

Making Rangoli patterns for Diwali.
Our Understanding the world/Geography this half term was Autumn. We went on an autumn walk to look for the changes that were happening around us, we thought about how the weather was changing and the clothes we might need to stat wearing and we learnt a little bit about hibernation.

Our Autumn walk.

Our leaf rubbings with the leaves from our autumn walk.

Using the primary colours to make autumn trees.
Our Science this half term was about caring for our planet and recycling and looking after our teeth.

Using the big teeth to practice brushing techniques.
Lastly this half term we learnt about the Christmas story, the birth of Jesus and why Christians celebrate Christmas.

Making and decorating our salt dough Christmas decorations.