Kapoor Class and Goldsworthy Class have been working collaboratively, creatively and critically in all areas of their learning. Here we are bringing the story of ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’ to life, through colourful puppets, tiger masks and writing invitations to our friends and the tiger to come to their tea party!
Adam G and his friends are digging mud for the mud kitchen. They are also helping to carry blocks to the construction site nearby.

In our wider curriculum like Geography and Science, our focus has been on where we live and the countries within the UK…We really enjoyed using our senses to describe and decide what the contents of the balloons were…

Next, we were asked “Can you find another way to group these objects?”. Again, we thought critically about another property they all shared. They organised it in the following way…

They organised our shapes into two groups. One group included cubes and another group had a rectangular shape.

As you can see Year 1 have been super busy and they can’t wait to share more about their learning with you very soon!
Thank you for reading our blog!
Kapoor and Goldsworthy