Art: We enjoyed painting our portraits. We noticed our eyebrows and that our hair sat on top of our heads and whether it was long or short.

Science: We have been learning all about the 5 senses. We went for a listening walk. We smelt lots of different things and we loved the cacao and vanilla. We tasted vinegar, chocolate, popcorn and some were brave and tried the mustard; “too spicy”.

History: We were looking at the past and how we as children have changed over time: Some children brought their baby photos in and we compared them to how they looked now. The children noticed they now had teeth, were taller and could walk and talk.

Timelines: We made our own timelines starting with us as a baby, toddler, primary child, teenager, adult and elderly.

Maths: We are learning to subitise.
This means we do not use our fingers to count. We use our brains to calculate. We play hidden fingers. This is where the children put their hands behind their backs and you say a number between 0 and 10. The children then show you that amount using their fingers on their chest. Have a go at home. Ask the children to play ‘Hidden fingers’ with you. Challenge them by asking them to show you a different way to show the number; 6 can be 3 and 3 or 4 and 2 or 6 and 0.
We are learning to count to ten and know the numbers within ten. 5 and 5, 6 and 4, 3 and 7 …