by Kerri Sellens | Nov 22, 2019 | Newsletter, Parents
Dear Parents and Carers As the weather gets cooler, please do send your children to school with a warm coat to wear while outside in the playground or on trips. Thank you to everyone who has supported our school trips this half term. Trips are an important part of our...
by Abida Begum | Nov 21, 2019 | ECO Committee, Learning Theme, Outdoor Learning, Parents, Riley Class 2019/20, Science, Van Gogh Class 2019/20
year 4 visited the Sky Garden near Canary Wharf which is home to numerous tropical, exotic plants and trees from around the world. We went to help deepen our understanding of rain forests which is the curriculum theme this term. We are also learning about living...
by Kerri Sellens | Nov 15, 2019 | Newsletter, Parents
Dear Parents and Carers We are slowly updating our classrooms with new carpet and furniture to improve our learning environments. The children are very excited about their new rooms, and this week year 3 were the first to move in. Next week year 4 are having their...
by Kerri Sellens | Nov 8, 2019 | Newsletter, Parents
Dear Parents and Carers Today has been a very exciting day because we had an actual Olympic athlete come in to school – Peter Bakare, a British volleyball player, came in to show us all how to be healthy and motivated through a series of different excercises....
by Kerri Sellens | Nov 1, 2019 | Newsletter, Parents
Dear Parents and Carers Welcome back to the second half of the autumn term here at Lansbury Lawrence, we hope you had an enjoyable half term holiday. We have lots of exciting trips planned over the next few weeks, and we always need parent volunteers to support on...
by Kerri Sellens | Oct 18, 2019 | Newsletter, Parents
Dear Parents and Carers Thank you to everyone who came to our parent exhibition on Wednesday. It means a lot to the children for you to come in to their classroom, and for them to perform for you. The atmosphere across the school was lovely, and the children were very...