Year 3 – Safer Internet Day

Year 3 – Safer Internet Day

Yesterday, Hokusai explored respect online and considered the types of relationships we want to have when using the internet. At the end of the lesson, we recorded a video diary as part of our reflection and shared our thoughts. Mechid, Shadi, Zayaan, Umar: We thought...

Researching Rainforests

In Riley class this week, we’ve been researching our new topic – Rainforests! We’ve been very curious about who lives in rainforests, why they’re important and also why they’re in danger around the world. We worked independently on our...
Weekly Challenge #5 – Digital Habits

Weekly Challenge #5 – Digital Habits

Our final challenge for this half-term is all about how we use our digital devices at home. This week is Safer Internet Week and we have been focusing on being safe while browsing the internet – spotting what’s real or fake, keeping information private,...