Poplar Consortium Exhibition

Poplar Consortium Exhibition

The Arts Council visited the Bow Arts Poplar Consortium Exhibition this week, to learn about the different art projects that have happened in our school, and other local schools, over the past ten years. It was fun to spot Lansbury Lawrence, and to see the different...
Arts Council

Arts Council

The new arts council cohort met today. We discussed the role and responsibilities, alongside the fun creative opportunities planned for the rest of the year. The new team are raring to go – watch this space to see their ideas for how they would like to make the...
Arts Council visit Poplar Union exhibition

Arts Council visit Poplar Union exhibition

The Arts Council went to visit a very special exhibition at Poplar Union, featuring some of our work. The Learning Dispositions project, with artist Tom Berry, is nearly complete! We got to look at our final designs and the work of other local schools, who have also...