Running On Empty

This Friday, Year 6 are very excited to be welcoming the author Sue Durrant to Lansbury Lawrence. We are preparing by all reading her book ‘Running on Empty’ in our reading times at the end of the day. Why not see how much your children can read at home,...
The Magic of P4C

The Magic of P4C

This week, Peggy Angus class pondered the idea of everyone having a magic wand. The pupils decided whether it was a good thing or a bad thing and we were split fairly evenly. In the end the majority thought it was a bad thing due to the chaos and evil that it would...
Peggy Angus Dance the Lion King!

Peggy Angus Dance the Lion King!

This week, Year 6 have been working with the Dance company Fertile Ground to choreograph a dance routine for our end of year performance. Our class ended the week with a show for Hirst class and some members of staff. Our performance! This dance will be added to our...