The wonders of World Book Day

The wonders of World Book Day

The class enjoyed immersing themselves in reading and other book-related activities today. We were visited by a surprise guest who entertained the children with a reading of The Lost Happy Endings, and we even got to make books of our own. Shafiur: “I’m...
Our first week back

Our first week back

by Ayath and Alexia On our first day back, we learnt that our new topic is Ancient Civilisations. One of the activities on the first day was object enquiry in history, and we used copies of ancient artefacts to come up with questions and ideas. Reading: We are now...
A lovely half-term

A lovely half-term

Hokusai’s half-term included several highlights such as the children’s first school trip, a meet the musician lesson with the BBC Proms and even a VIP lunch in the community room! The children learned all about the human body and how it works so...
Year 3 – Safer Internet Day

Year 3 – Safer Internet Day

Yesterday, Hokusai explored respect online and considered the types of relationships we want to have when using the internet. At the end of the lesson, we recorded a video diary as part of our reflection and shared our thoughts. Mechid, Shadi, Zayaan, Umar: We thought...