Clap the rhythm

We were learning about rhythm in music today. Rhythm is a pattern of long and short sounds. We learnt to clap 2 different songs with different rhythms. Here was our favourite: “Engine Engine Number...

The Selfish Giant

We have been reading a new story this week in year 5: The Selfish Giant! In the story, some children are enjoying a beautiful garden, when the giant comes home and spoils their fun. He does not want to share his garden so he banishes them, builds a wall and puts up a...
Gimme Shelter

Gimme Shelter

A new group joined Forest School this week and fun exploring the areas and using their senses. We went on a sensory walk and heard tweeting birds, crunching leaves, felt smooth rocks and spikey twigs, we even found some cold, wet, slimy worms to hold! After that, we...
Investigating soil

Investigating soil

by Hepworth class This term we have been learning about all about rocks. We recently discovered that soil is made from rocks and organic matter. We used trowels to dig the soil from different locations in the school. The snow made it very cold but luckily we were...