by Amaar, Amelia and Fatima
Our favourite parts of the week were our trip to the Science Museum and the poetry slam that we have been practising for. Both events were really fun, and most of us would like to do them again. At the Science Museum we had an activity booklet to do and the tasks included looking for different things that people use to study the human body. The exhibits we looked at were objects that we have never seen before, so we found it very interesting.

The poetry slam in the top hall was for year 3 and year 4 first. Year 3 had to write about the human body, and our performances came from stories, poems and raps that we wrote about body parts when we were doing the workshops with Bad Laydee.
On Tuesday, we went downstairs to year one to help them learn how to use Numbots and TTRockstars to practise their maths. We all got to be teachers! We helped one child each and the year one children were positive and kind.

In class, our own maths lesson on Friday was measuring water into different containers and comparing the length of objects in our classroom. We had to notice the intervals and work out how many parts the scales had been divided into.