This half term, we have been so busy with our wider curriculum learning. We have been learning about our community and and other connections we have in the world, how we have changed since being a baby, painted our self portraits and learnt about our senses.
Geography/Understanding the World
This is our community map we made and our links to other countries.

History/Understanding the World
Thank you to everyone who sent in their baby photos (They were all so cute) we really enjoyed guessing who was who and looking at how we have changed. Here are just a few of the pictures, can you guess who they are?

Art/Expressive Arts and Design
We learnt what self-portraits are and then had a go at our own. Can you see yours?

Science/Understanding the World
We have been learning all about our senses. We went on a listening walk, we have used our sense of smell to identify different things such as vanilla, toothpaste, vinegar, coffee, orange and rosemary. We then used our taste to see if we liked lemon, salted popcorn, sugar cumin and cacao.

We have really enjoyed our wider curriculum learning this half term and we look forward to what is to come next half term.