Safer Internet Day 2019 at Lansbury Lawrence

Safer Internet Day 2019 at Lansbury Lawrence

Online safety focus across the school on February 5th 2019 Left: Year 1 discuss how to keep your personal information safe online. This Tuesday, Lansbury Lawrence marked Safer Internet Day with exciting lessons covering some very important online safety rules....

Barbican Box

Mrs Sellens recently went on some training at the Barbican Centre with the poet and storyteller, Michael Rosen. We now have a Barbican Box at Lansbury Lawrence, which is based on stories and poems about Michael Rosen’s memories of his family. After hearing some of the...

Exploring measurement

How long is a piece of string…? Pupils in 3B Hokusai and 3A Hepworth measured up to the challenge this week of exploring length, width and height. They found out who was tallest in each class, estimated the length of 1 metre using string and measured classroom...