Online Tutors – Keeping Children Safe

Every year, private tutors help children catch up with missed work or address area they are struggling in, or with extra-curricular activities. Lockdown has led to major growth in this area, especially online, and this is expected to continue with further bubble and...

Newsletter – 6 November 20

Dear Parents and Carers We hope you all had a restful and safe half term week. This week lots of exciting learning has been happening across the school, as all year groups begin their new learning themes:   In Early Years, Nursery are learning about Space, and...

Newsletter – 23rd October 20

Dear Parents/ Carers  Autumn 1 Curriculum Celebration At the end of each half term we enjoy welcoming you in to school to share and celebrate your children’s learning. ​ This half term the whole school has been focusing on Our Community. ​ As we are unable to invite...
Meet your new teachers!

Meet your new teachers!

Meet your new teacher! On a normal year, all of you would have met your new  teacher and be excited for September. We’ve not been able to do this this year, so we’ve put together this page to introduce you to your new class. Before you look at your video...