Dear Parents/ Carers 

Autumn 1 Curriculum Celebration

At the end of each half term we enjoy welcoming you in to school to share and celebrate your children’s learning. 

This half term the whole school has been focusing on Our Community

As we are unable to invite you in to school at the moment, we have made this virtual celebration instead. We hope you enjoy it!

Thank you for all of your support this half term. We look forward to seeing you all back at school on Monday 2nd November.

Parent/Teacher Meeting November 2020 

This year parent/teacher meetings will look a little different than usual. As we can not meet in person, teachers will make a phone call to you and share how your child has settled back into school.  These phone calls will last no longer than 10 minutes. 

It is challenging to book appointments whilst maintaining social distance, so this year teachers will make a phone call to you within two slots: 

Slot 1 – 12:30 – 2:30pm  

Slot 2 – 3pm – 5pm 

We cannot guarantee the exact time a call will be made in these slots, but teachers will try calling more than once within these times.  If you are unable to take the calls, we will make arrangements to contact you at a more convenient time. 

Please see the timetable below for when each year group teacher will be making their calls to you: 







16th November 

Year 3 

Year 1 


Year 6 


23rd November  

Year 4  

Year 5 


Year 2