by Glen Lucille | Sep 30, 2022 | Hamilton class 2022/23, Music, Shireen Class 2021/22
In Reception, we were very lucky to have a music visitor, Aga . We learnt how to make scores with our names and how to write a score. We enjoyed singing together and doing some moves. Our name scores…. This is Hamilton Class singing ‘Bungalow’ and...
by Lansbury | Sep 28, 2022 | Music, Riley Class 2022/23, Van Gogh Class 2022/23
Today we took part in a music workshop! Look how much fun we’re having!
by Kerri Sellens | Jul 19, 2022 | Kahlo Class 2021/22, Lichtenstein Class 2021/22, Music, Music
We are very proud to present Extreme Robots, our year 5 collaboration with THAMES and Little People Big Noise. What a fantastic and ambitious project this has been, with 60 children composing and performing together as a collective ensemble. Thank you to everyone...
by Lansbury | May 24, 2022 | Computing, Delaunay Class 2021/22, Music, Tagore Class 2021/22
In Year 2, we started our computing unit on Creating Music by listening to some compositions and describing how they make us feel. The music was written by Gustav Holst – he wrote a piece of music about each planet in our solar system. Listen to the pieces for...
by Lansbury | May 18, 2022 | Music, Riley Class 2021/22
Today in Riley class, we had a wonderful workshop from our visiting musical friend, Aga! This was our 3rd workshop with Aga this year – we have previously practiced our singing, rhythm and composition with him in the autumn and spring terms. In today’s...
by Neil Daley | May 12, 2022 | Hepworth Class 2021/22, Hokusai Class 2021/22, Music
A day of music and lots of fun in year 3 ended with both classes composing their own songs using claves and glockenspiels. Students were pleased to see how creative they could be, and their compositions helped them learn about timbre, graphic scores and playing as an...