Our topic learning last week was caring for our planet and we learned lots about how we can do this through recycling. We learned that lots of materials can be recycled and made into new products to reduce waste.
We asked parents and adults in school to bring in lots of recyclable products for our provision activities which was junk modelling. We created so much with all the cardboard, foil and plastic we collected. Some of the things we created included, robots and cars. We loved creating new products with our waste!

Recycling Workshop with the Tower Hamlets Recycling Team.
On Wednesday we had visitors from The Tower Hamlets Recycling Team. The team came to speak to us about recycling and brought along a very special visitor, a giant recycling robot! The robot was made out of Tower Hamlets recycling and compost bins. We spoke about what materials could and couldn’t be recycled, the robot helped us with this by making sounds when it was correct or incorrect.
We thoroughly enjoyed this workshop, (especially when the robot danced for us!) and would like to say a huge thank you to the Tower Hamlets Recycling Team!

Litter Picking Trip to Bartlett Park.
On Thursday we headed out to Bartlett Park on a mission to clean up our local community. The TH recycling team kindly borrowed us some of their litter pickers. However, when we arrived we were pleasantly surprised to find that our local park was very clean and well looked after! Instead, we decided to use the litter pickers to collect leaves for some art work back in class. We were lucky enough to be able to go for a play at the play park and we all had so much fun! A huge thank you to all the parents that accompanied us and helped us!