This term we have been exploring many different autumn resources! We went on a walk around the playground and we collected lots of different leaves. Then we spoke about the different, shapes, sizes and colours of the leaves. Once they were collected and in the classroom we made some amazing art work by hiding the leaves under the paper and rubbing crayons on top of them.

We also looked at some conkers and spoke about them grow in the trees and falling off the trees. We spoke about how the conkers feel, they are smooth and round. We then made some more art work with conkers and rolled the conkers in paint and in trays and had to shake them side to side.

For maths we were talking about height, thinking about who is the tallest and who is the shortest. Also making castles that are tall and short.

After reading stories about bears, we decided to have a ‘teddy bears picnic’ we got to make our own sandwiches and shared them together on the carpet. To have a good picnic we decided that we needed to have a blanket (or carpet), good weather (which we didnt have), teddy bears, juice, snacks and sandwiches.