by Sabeera Miah | Feb 1, 2024 | Science
Today, Y3 visited the Science Museum and loved exploring the artefacts. Students were able to gain a better understanding of how the human body work so effectively. Enjoy our pictures.
by Sabeera Miah | Jan 24, 2024 | Hepworth class 2023/24, Maths
Hepworth class have been smashing it on Times Table Rockstars which is a fantastic programme that helps children to become fluent in their times table facts. It is a super fun and accessible way to engage all pupils and motivate them to achieve their next rock status....
by Sabeera Miah | Dec 22, 2023 | Hepworth class 2023/24
Enjoy our first vlog. Hepworth Class
by Sabeera Miah | Nov 2, 2023 | Hepworth class 2023/24, History
This term, our topic is Stone Age to Iron Age. Students will learn how society and people’s lives changed through the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. They will consider whether humans survived or thrived during this time in our history. The children have...
by Sabeera Miah | Oct 20, 2023 | Geography, Hepworth class 2023/24, History
This half-term, our topic in year 3 was community. We have been learning all about the Lansbury Estate, the Festival of Britain and our local landmarks.Our first trip of the year was a tour around our school to help us understand the connection we have to the Festival...