by Glen Lucille | Sep 30, 2022 | Hamilton class 2022/23, Music, Shireen Class 2021/22
In Reception, we were very lucky to have a music visitor, Aga . We learnt how to make scores with our names and how to write a score. We enjoyed singing together and doing some moves. Our name scores…. This is Hamilton Class singing ‘Bungalow’ and...
by Glen Lucille | Sep 23, 2022 | Art, English, Hamilton class 2021/22, Hamilton class 2022/23, Maths, Outdoor Learning, Physical Education
Why are fine motor skills important? Fine motor skills involve small muscles working with the brain and nervous system to control movements in areas such as the hands, fingers, lips, tongue and eyes. Developing fine motor skills helps children do things like...
by Glen Lucille | Jul 19, 2022 | O'Keeffe Class 2021/22
We enjoyed learning all about humans and animals. We know we all have different sized feet and some are tall and some a little smaller. We liked labelling each others body parts. Now we are all clear where our body parts are. EID Picnic with all the families …...
by Glen Lucille | Jun 17, 2022 | O'Keeffe Class 2021/22
To warm up we played a game called ‘Don’t Clap this one back!’. We were taught a clapping sequence that we must NOT clap back if we heard it, any other clapping sequence we had to clap back. This really tested our listening skills! Warm up...
by Glen Lucille | Jun 10, 2022 | Goldsworthy class 2021/22, Kapoor Class 2021/22, Music, O'Keeffe Class 2021/22
We are so lucky, not only were we celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee, we also got to have our Summer Fete. The children had so much fun in the sun, playing on the bouncy castles, face painting, tattoos, bubbles, chalking, football, jenga and of course the whole KS2...