Using the internet to research

by Hepworth class This term, we have been learning about the four Ancient Civilisations – Ancient Egypt, Ancient Sumer, Indus Valley and Shang Dynasty. We used the internet to research more about these civilisations. by Isa and Masod We researched about how the...


For my activity (Miss Bogue) we made fruit volcanoes! It was so popular we used up all our fruit! After this, our next activity was to make paper craft! Lots of us made tall towers. Today we had a great day with STEAM DAY. Here are some of our pupil’s...

Van Gogh’s Fantastic books!

For World book day, everyone in Van Gogh was invited to bring in their favourite book into class. We were all able to listen, share and talk about a variety of books. In Van Gogh class we love books and have many keen readers! We had so many people in our class...