year 2 had an amazing time celebrating British Science week in our annual STEAM afternoon. Pupils were allowed to go around to other classes to join in various STEAM activities. It was incredible to see pupils join up with their friends, brothers and sisters to take part in learning activities that interested them. Delaunay class had a carousel of different activities: making playdough, blowing bubbles within bubbles, floating and sinking oranges and creating patterns with skittles dipped in water. They asked lots of interesting questions such as “How can I make this sink?” “How can I make my dough more firm?” “What colour will I get if I mix green and red?” And some that were “Ms Begum can I have more green paint?” or “Ms Begum can I eat the skittles?” Hah! Ask your child to tell you what activities that they enjoyed and perhaps they can do some of the activities at home with you?
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