Lansbury Lawrence was built as part of the Festival of Britain. Enjoy the children’s award-winning film to find out more…
Community Notice Board
- Parent Newsletter is now published on the Weduc app and website. Please speak to the office if you still need support to download it.
- We are the first school in Tower Hamlets to have been awarded the very prestigious Platinum ArtsMark! Read more about it here.
- We were awarded Silver in the Pearson Primary School of the Year, Making a Difference, Award. Read more about it here.
- Parent Coffee Mornings are on Fridays at 9:00 am in the Community Room. We hope to see you there!
Latest News and Learning
Year 5 & 6 Problem Solving
This morning, year 5 and 6 engaged with problem solving activities to round off a fantastic week of learning. Year 5 are currently using WonderMaths challenges to complete tasks using dominoes, pentominoes and tangrams. Year 6 were having great fun completing Nrich...
Imperial War Museum- Year 6
Peggy Angus class, in front of the RAF fighter plane Children from Peggy Angus class visited the Imperial War Museum , London. This was to add to their knowledge of their istory topic: World War Two.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Hello Lansbury Lawrence!Link to our first blog – to our second blog – Last half term, we read The Very Hungry...
How does the human body work so effectively?
Last half term, we learnt all about the human body. Our guiding question: How do bodies work so effectively? Zain Safa Humam Ayman and Summer explored the following:
Yet Another Half-Term has Come to a Close in Hokusai Class…
This half term, our big question was, "How Does the Human Body Work so Effectively?" With such a big idea, we were able to explore so many areas of what makes the human body so amazing at its job, as well as ask many, many questions that we slowly answered throughout...
What an Exciting Term of Learning in Year 2!
Wow! What an incredible, fun-filled term we’ve had in Year 2! It feels like time has flown by and we can’t believe we’re already at the end of it. This term has been all about nature, the world around us and the children have absolutely loved every moment.From...