This term, we learnt about seaside adventure and children saw lot’s of sea creatures at the beach. For instance, Finley was super brave when he found TWO Crabs! He even shared interesting facts about them to his friends.

Kapoor Class arrived safely at Chalkwell Beach!

Once children walked to the coach, they sat next to their learning partners.
After that, they secured their seatbelts and set off to the beach!
Zakai found some shells that were buried under the rocks and sand.
Rob was excited to be at the beach!
Halima enjoyed the cool breeze and couldn’t wait to get into the water!

After children built sand castles, they went paddling in the sea.

The sand was slimy and left a print of their feet! The water was a little cold, but children enjoyed splashing away!

Finally, children cooled down with a ‘Mini Milk Ice Lolly’, which they enjoyed licking away under the sun. They chatted away with their friends about their day and couldn’t wait to get back to school to share their memories with their families.

We hope you enjoyed reading our blog!

Kapoor Class