Autumn 2 has been a very busy successful term for Shireen class! The children have worked so hard and we have had so much fun learning together this term. Here are some of our highlights from this term…
We are Wow writers!
In literacy our learning this term has been based around caring for our planet. We have been reading ‘Eco Girl’ by Ken Wilson-Max and ’10 things I can do to help my world’ by Melanie Walsh. We have really enjoyed reading and working with both books. We even made a bird feeder to help the birds. We have been focusing on language and have done lots and lots of talking about the books and then we wrote our sentences. All of the children have done fantastic writing this term and have been so independent in using their phonic knowledge to guide their writing.

We love subitising!
This term we have practised our subitising skills and can now subitise up to 5! We have loved subitising and showing our skills through making tetrominoes and showing our skills with cubes. We have also been using our sand area to play a subitising game where we roll the dice and find the numicon, numeral and amount of objects. We have had so much fun and are masters of subitising!

Lets celebrate!
This term has been packed full of lovely celebrations in Shireen class! We have celebrated Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day Diwali and we are currently celebrating Christmas! The children love learning about different cultures and celebrations. We have made some beautiful art work such as firework painting, rocket ship making, Rangoli patters and poppy printing.

We look forward to celebrating our last week of term with our Christmas show and a week full of Christmas activities! We cannot wait to continue our learning in the New Year!