Gross Motor and Fine Motor Skills: In our class we get the opportunity to develop our gross and fine motor skills.

Learning to move is important for children and a significant development. It enables children to make their own choices and learn about their world.

The development of the seven sensory systems is necessary for children to effectively develop gross and fine motor skills.

Physical development covers a wide range of gross and fine motor skills (outputs) that are made in response to sensory input.

Gross motor skills refer to the controlling of large body movements that involve large muscle groups, including core stability and posture e.g. pushing, pulling, rolling, crawling, walking and sitting still.

Fine motor skills refer to physical skills that involve small muscles and hand-eye coordination. Movements are more controlled and precise and often a well-developed pincer grip is needed.

Fine motor skills are needed for:

  • mark making in communication, language and literacy.
  • counting equipment in numeracy, doing up buttons and laces.

Making Friends: Learning and playing together:

In class, every week we change our learning partners. This means we get to learn and play with different children throughout the year. Here are some pictures of us playing and learning together.

Maths: We are learning all about 3D shapes.

We learn about 3D shapes because shapes are everywhere. Once we know the names of 3D shapes we can see curved surfaces and flat faces on most objects.

Play the game and see what objects you can match to the 3D shapes.

3D Shapes have flat faces and/or curved surfaces:

First, we used the 3D shapes to make 2D shapes: We dipped the 3D faces into the paint and printed the shape. Can you name the 2D shapes?

Next, we tried to make a tower with the 3D shapes and found that the sphere must be on the top of the tower.

After that, we got a ramp and we tested which shapes would roll down the ramp. We found out that the sphere, cone and cylinder all rolled.