In Forest School, Year 6 have been exploring different tools. This week we used mallets to make Tataki Zome; this is the Japanese art of pounding leaves and flowers to release their natural colours into cloth.

The results were great, we loved how enthusiastic and energetic everyone was and each design was completely unique!

You can see some examples on our Forest School display, whilst you are walking through the school.

Fun facts about Tataki Zome
Flower printing was originally used in Ancient Greece by pharmacologists in their medical works.
A Leonardo Da Vinci manuscript contains a print of a sage leaf, including instructions for how to do it.
Tataki Zome is not just for flowers and leaves, you can also use berries, moss or even some bark!
Tataki Zome is part of Japan’s rich cultural heritage, it reflects the country’s emphasis on craftsmanship, attention to detail, and reverence for nature.