This afternoon, Year 6 worked with Year 1 children to help them complete a Pupil Survey online. This provided an excellent opportunity for children to get to know one another and find out about their experiences and feelings towards school. Hirst Class really enjoyed supporting Year 1 and welcoming them in to our classroom and to also be part of their learning environment.
Here are a few quotes from Year 1:
Safi “My partner helped me to answer the questions and it made me feel super great because it helped my brain.”
Martin “My partner read the questions to me and helped complete the survey. It was good being in a Year 6 class.”
Alisha “I worked with Jannatul. She read the questions and pressed the choice that I made. When it came to the questions where I had to write she typed down what I said. I like being in Year 6 because there are a lot of people that look smart.”
Journie “Hussain was my partner, I found out his favourite game is Pokeman and he helped me with my survey.”
Here are a few quotes from Hirst Class:
Muhammed “I found working with my year 1 partner very interesting as I learnt about what they were learning and what they think about the school. They told me PE was a favourite subject.”
Syeda “I helped my partner to complete her online survey. Was good talking to someone from a different year group. She enjoyed art like me.”
Najibah “I read the questions out for my partner and explained the language he didn’t understand. We discussed what he enjoyed and I found out that his favourite flavour ice cream was chocolate and he enjoys PE the most. I enjoyed supporting and talking to my partner and finding out about his experiences in year 1.”
Fatima “Reading out the questions supported my partner, we discussed his thoughts and I helped him input them. I helped him by explaining and sharing ideas. I talked with about what he likes and enjoys in school.”
Hussain “My partner told me her favourite food was doughnuts and pasta. She enjoys playing Minecraft and Roblox. At school her favourite subject is Maths!”
Zain “I explained the questions to my partner and supported him. He enjoys PE and Maths and he was very kind to me. He thought the teachers provided good help to children at Lansbury Lawrence.”