by Maisha and Maryam A
This week, we made fruit salad that had a lot of our favourite fruits in it. We split into groups to get our equipment, and we were learning how to prepare food safely and hygienically. In our group’s fruit salad we chose purple grapes, strawberries, bananas, oranges and green grapes. We used different techniques called bridging and clawing to chop and to slice. Bridging is like making a tunnel for a train with your fingers, and clawing keeps your fingers bent out of the way. They kept us safe.

We are finishing basketball now, and we have learnt different skills this half term. After warming up each lesson, we have practised dribbling with our head up, passing to our team-mates and catching the ball.

We thought about being focused all week, and said it is when you pay attention to something. Being focused is important because you don’t want to miss information when you are learning. You can also be focused by listening to the speaker and by not distracting anyone.