This week, our Year 1 students wowed us with their energetic and educational 3D Shapes Assembly. The event was filled with singing, laughter, and interactive learning as the children showcased their understanding of 3D shapes.

This playful tune continued with verses about spheres, cylinders, cones, and cuboids, each verse describing their properties with rhythm and rhyme. The children clapped, danced, and pointed out real-life examples of these shapes as they sang.
This playful tune continued with verses about spheres, cylinders, cones, and cuboids, each verse describing their properties with rhythm and rhyme. The children clapped, danced, and pointed out real-life examples of these shapes as they sang.
To keep the learning going at home, have a go at a “Shapes Hunt” challenge:
- Can you find a sphere in your house?
- How many cuboids can you see in your kitchen?
Parents and carers can encourage children to continue the conversation about shapes outside the classroom. Children were amazing at spotting shapes out in the playground!

Here are a row of tens frames that children use to dual count. For example, One ten is 10. One ten, one is 11. One then two is 12. One ten, three is 13. One ten four is 14 etc. . Have a listen to our video and practise at home!
Dual counting

Thank you for reading our blog!
Year 1