Newsletter – 13th March 20

Dear Parents and Carers What a busy week it has been! We started the week with an assembly dedicated to International Women’s Day, with a fun game where we had to guess the occupations of four visitors. It made us all think about how we could be anything we want...

Newsletter – 6th March 20

Dear Parents and Carers This week we celebrated our love of reading through World Book Day. Our older children visited our younger children to read books to them and share stories. We also had a fun assembly where the teachers acted out the story of Fantastic Mr Fox. ...

Newsletter – 28 February 20

Dear Parents and Carers World Book Day! World book day is on Thursday 5th March. We will be celebrating in school with a special assembly and story session for the children. We are not asking children to dress up this year. Please send your child to school in school...

Newsletter – 14th February 20

Dear Parents and Carers Thank you to all of the parents and carers who came in for the class exhibitions this week. All of our children were very proud to share their learning with you, and there was a fantastic community atmosphere around school. Exhibitions are a...
Letter to Parents/Carers: Online Safety

Letter to Parents/Carers: Online Safety

Dear Parents and Carers, On Tuesday 11th February we will be joining schools and youth settings across the UK in celebrating Safer Internet Day 2020. Safer Internet Day is a global campaign to promote the safe and responsible use of technology, which calls on young...

Newsletter – 24th January 20

Dear Parents and Carers It’s been another busy week at Lansbury Lawrence, with lots of exciting learning and trips happening. See below for a few of the highlights… Young Voices 2020 The School Choir performed at the Young Voices Concert 2020 at London’s...