Newsletter – 3rd April 20

Dear Parents and Carers We hope you are all safe and well at home. Teachers and support staff have been working hard to provide online learning for children to access, while school is closed. Most of this is set through Google Classroom. There is a guide here on how...

Advice on home learning, wellbeing & more has recently produced some insightful infographics to assist families during this difficult time. Feel free to browse on their website to see other advice from them; a selection of their recent advice is posted below. Remote learning advice...

Updated: Keeping your chid safe online

While schools are closed, your child may be spending longer amounts of time online – for learning, for research, interacting with friends or playing games. It’s really important during these times that parents and carers, maintain communication with their...

Logging your child on to Google Classroom

Google Classroom 1. Open your internet browser and go to the website: 2. If there is a blue button, go to classroom 3. You will be asked to sign in to your child’s school Google account. This is the account your child uses on the...

Latest Information for Parents

Update 16th May Dear parents and carers You will be aware that the Government has announced that it expects schools to be able to open from the 1st June for some year groups followed by the rest of the school later in June.The Government has asked for us to begin...