by Abbe Uter | Mar 25, 2025 | Carle Class, Nursery, Science
Last week we have received, the ingredients to bake some bread! We helped to pour the flour, tipped in water, mixed the dough, watched it raise, kneaded the dough and put it in the oven. The most important part was when we got to taste the bread! It was delicious and...
by Abbe Uter | Feb 4, 2025 | Art, Carle Class, Carle Class, Nursery, Nursery
We have doing lots of fun activities while learning about Chinese New Year. We made Chinese Lanterns, Used black paint to write some Chinese Calligraphy numbers, Created a paper mache Chinese dragon to do some Chinese dancing and we got to try some fortune cookies and...
by Abbe Uter | Jan 9, 2025 | Art, Carle Class, Carle Class, Nursery
We have been working on being ‘Independent Individuals’ and putting our coats on independently and using the the coat flip trick. Then asking an adult or friend for help if needed for the zip. Once we independently put on our jackets, we lined up and went...
by Abbe Uter | Nov 27, 2024 | Carle Class, Carle Class, Music, Nursery
Carle class have been hard at work! We have been learning about the season, Autumn and the changes that it brings to the environment. While we listened to a song about Autumn, Carle class had kept a keen eye out for the difference that the season brought. We had...
by Abbe Uter | Nov 6, 2024 | Art, Carle Class, Expressive Art and Design, Nursery
This week has been a busy week in Carle Class, we have been learning all about fireworks night! We were using our Phonics to make voice sounds that sound like fireworks and had lots of fun making LOUD noises and scared Abbe! We have been learning about Diwali, We...
by Abbe Uter | Oct 3, 2024 | Carle Class, Nursery, Science
This week in Carle Class we have been learning about our bodies and senses. We have used the song head, shoulders, knees and toes to identify all of our body parts. Then we spoke about all of the different senses that we need for our body parts. We know that we use...