Mud Painting with Carle Class

Mud Painting with Carle Class

We have been working on being ‘Independent Individuals’ and putting our coats on independently and using the the coat flip trick. Then asking an adult or friend for help if needed for the zip. Once we independently put on our jackets, we lined up and went...
All About Me- Our Bodies and Senses

All About Me- Our Bodies and Senses

This week in Carle Class we have been learning about our bodies and senses. We have used the song head, shoulders, knees and toes to identify all of our body parts. Then we spoke about all of the different senses that we need for our body parts. We know that we use...
We’re Going on a Mini Beast Hunt!

We’re Going on a Mini Beast Hunt!

This week Carle class has been being Curious learners and exploring the garden trying to find some minibeasts! We went into the garden and looked underneath the trees and dug into the dirt to find some minibeasts. After that we ticked off on a checklist to count how...