by Neil Daley | Oct 11, 2021 | Art, Design Technology, Hepworth Class 2021/22, Hokusai Class 2021/22
Recently, year 3 have been using some of their wider curriculum lessons to hone their art and design skills. They’ve been getting stuck in – and their hands dirty – as they created a piece of furniture for the Festival of Britain. Our works in...
by Neil Daley | Oct 11, 2021 | Community, History, Hokusai Class 2021/22
Hokusai class: “We listened to our assembly about Floella Benjamin and we took the time to look at Black History Month in our own class too. This term we will place important events on our timeline and learn about Nelson Mandela. Later in the year, we will learn...
by Neil Daley | Oct 4, 2021 | Design Technology, Hokusai Class 2021/22, Learning Theme
Recently, year 3 began a design & technology project that will end in the students creating a product with a special purpose. Building on their learning about the Festival of Britain, the students are curating an exhibition using the school’s precious photo...
by Neil Daley | Sep 27, 2021 | Community, Hepworth Class 2021/22, History, Hokusai Class 2021/22, Learning Theme
Year 3’s first trip of the year was a tour around a special place that we have been learning a lot more about recently: Our school! Recent lessons have taught us that the school has a rich and important history, so we set off to see it for ourselves. Learning...
by Neil Daley | Sep 13, 2021 | Community, Hepworth Class 2021/22, Hokusai Class 2021/22, Learning Theme, Parents
Year 3’s new topic this half term is Community. As part of this, we will be learning all about the Festival of Britain and focusing on it’s significance to our school and the local area as students explore the important question: Why is our school special?...