by Glen Lucille | Dec 8, 2022 | Hamilton class 2022/23
We are born with an innate ability to process small quantities visually. The Early Years Number Sense programme meets children at this starting point of subitising one and two, and develops a deep understanding of all the quantities to ten. The programme develops...
by Glen Lucille | Nov 18, 2022 | Hamilton class 2022/23, Shireen Class 2022/23
We are enjoying using our gross and fine motor skills to make marks, draw and write. Every day we get the opportunity to use our fabulous skills to put our name on our learning, draw a picture for home, write and make books in our learning space. Here are some key...
by Glen Lucille | Oct 20, 2022 | Hamilton class 2022/23
We have had so much fun learning and playing. In Geography, we have been learning all about where we live and where our parents and families come from. Our family world map In Literacy, we have been learning the story about Goldilocks and the three bears. We have been...
by Glen Lucille | Oct 14, 2022 | Hamilton class 2022/23
In Hamilton Class, we have been learning about the world and our community. We know that the world is made up from water and land. We know that we live on the land and that fish live in the water. We asked the parents to tell us about their child’s heritage. We...
by Glen Lucille | Oct 13, 2022 | Hamilton class 2022/23, Parents, Reading, Shireen Class 2022/23
Every Thursday in Reception, from 3pm to 3.30pm, parents and their families are invited to join us in class. Today we had many parents join us. It was great to see everyone enjoying a book, reading together and chatting about the characters and talking about what was...