Growth Mindset in Action

This week , a pupil in Riley class has demonstrated tremendous growth mindset when he proved to us that he can made dramatic improvements to his work in the space of 1 day! He was someone who struggled with his handwriting. His letters were not joined up and sometimes...
Riley Class Create a ‘Storm’

Riley Class Create a ‘Storm’

Riley Class created a storm in the classroom (literally and metaphorically) while immersing themselves into an afternoon of jam-packed fun tranforming their learning environment. They made a 3D tornado, fluffy clouds which are pelting down rain, bolts of lightening,...

4A’s highlights of the week

Riley class have been busy bees this week working on their new themes for this term. The theme is Explorers; with a particular focus on Artic Explorers. In maths, their new topic is on Decimals. They have made a great start to their learning and have already...