Last week we had a special opportunity to visit the residents at Duncan Court. We brought our favourite stories and best writing to entertain everybody, and the students took pleasure in putting smiles on everyone’s faces.

Remembering to be respectful and committed, we shared what we have learnt about the 7 continents this half-term, and the students ended with a rousing song that was warmly received.

Getting a guided tour of the garden and fish pond was a bonus, and we look forward to seeing our friends at Duncan Court again soon.

In year 2, children have been exploring different problem solving strategies while enjoying maths this week. We decided to focus on conjecturing as we realised that starting by discussing what we know is a valuable first step. The children used this to understand the problem before they planned how to solve it, then they shared sensible predictions and made good attempts at justifying their ideas.

In English we are writing a retell of the story The Magic Paintbrush. In our writing we are trying very hard to ensure we use capital letters, finger space and full stops. We think about the sentence, then we say our sentence, we write the sentence then we check our sentence. We are also becoming very confident at using expanded noun phrases, adjectives and apostrophes.

As the week drew to a close, Friday afternoon brought a burst of energy as Year 2 students danced away. They danced to their favourite fruits and moved like animals inspired by a dancer from the AKC production of Jungle Book!

Looking forward to another wonderful week ahead!