Hello everyone, it has been another fantastic week here in Lichtenstein class! We have been doing some fascinating and creative work surrounding our topic of space. Most notably this week, we have been involved in a brilliant online lesson from the scientists at GeoBus and designing our Solar System for our display board.
Starting with GeoBus, on Tuesday of this week Lichtenstein class were invited for a really interesting online workshop all around our topic of space. Whilst we could not have GeoBus come and visit us at Lansbury Lawrence I believe that everyone in Year 5 had a great time taking a more in-depth look into space. The 3D glasses were a particular favourite for Lichtenstein class.

We have also been designing our version of the Solar System and getting it ready for display and the results have been brilliant!

It has once again been a productive, creative and insightful week in Lichtenstein class, we are already looking forward to another. Have a great week and to those who are celebrating, Eid Mubarak.