This week sees the launch of the new whole school weekly challenge assembly. These are wider curriculum activities for you to engage with at home, perhaps with other members of your family joining in. Do send in your finished work via Google Classroom; this could be a drawing, photograph, film, piece of writing – the more creative the better!

The first challenge was a Design Technology challenge to share a favourite recipe….

Here are some of the amazing entries received for this challenge:

making scones
Superb scones!
Amazing cake!
Lovely lasagne!
Tasty tuna sandwich!
Delicious chicken and rice!
Shafath’s cookie!
Not just one, but two, super smoothies!
always start by washing your hands
Muhsin’s pancakes
cheesy cakes recipe
cheesy cakes!
Scrambled eggs recipe
A cucumber and apple smoothie, mmmmmm!
Lorien’s favourite cupcakes!
Fuad’s chicken delight
Zakariyya’s French dip sandwich
Wow! Scrumptious chocolate cupcakes!
Wonderful chocolate brownies!
Arifah’s delectable veggie pasta!
Uzair’s mouth-watering lamb chops – he recommends eating with bbq sauce!
Nazihah’s perfect pancakes!