Recently, year 3 have been using some of their wider curriculum lessons to hone their art and design skills. They’ve been getting stuck in – and their hands dirty – as they created a piece of furniture for the Festival of Britain.

Our works in progress:

“First we looked at 1950s chairs, then we sketched them in our art books. We had to think about what fabric, material and if our choices were practical. I tried to create my favourite chair.” (Alexia, Muhsina)
“We made the chairs in the art room from clay.” (Arisha)
“The class designed them on paper first, and we also added a bit of writing. We read information to know how to make the models, and we wrote a list of instructions before starting.” (Adam, Amira)

Adding colour:

After the clay dried, we painted our chairs. Some people had sofas and others had different chairs that could fit different amounts of people. We waited for about a week, then we painted them in bright colours. The paints I used were primary and secondary colours. (Taqwaa, Manha, Aleena, Madiha)

“It was really fun doing this.” (Aaliyah)