This term in Science lessons, Year 2 are learning about Animals and Humans. So far, they learned about life cycles of different living things and the basic needs of living things. As the year 2 pupils have worked with the Akram Khan Dance Project, they were able to use their new skills to incorporate dance into their Science lesson. They were tasked with putting together a dance piece that represents the ‘basic needs’ of life for Animals and Humans. The outcomes of this were tremendous! It was nice to see them be creative and interpret their ideas differently.

Of the 4 basic needs (which are air, food, water and shelter) it was nice to see the variation in ideas. Some children were dancing like waves for water while others acted out drinking from a cup. For food, some pupils acted out eating an imaginary burger while others danced out picking fruit off a tree and eating that! For shelter, some poised as grand houses while others pretended to burrow a hole in the ground and tucked themselves in! It was so much fun. Please ask them questions about their learning so they can tell you more!